Healthy Education in a Healthy Environment
  (Affiliated to CBSE,Delhi)
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I am delighted that you are all set to enroll your child to J.G. Public School.
   General Guidelines

Students must attend the school and classes regularly from the first day to the last day of the session. Students attaining 100% attendance are awarded in the Annual Prize Day. Any how, it is compulsory for every student to obtain min. 75% attendance in the academic year to be allowed for final exam.

Attendance is counted from the day the school opens and is checked twice daily. 
A student remaining absent for any period of the day without prior permission will lose attendance for the day. Leave on any account will be considered as absence.

Any leave of absence will be granted only against a written application, specifying a genuine reason and duly endorsed by the parent/ guardian. Leave should be taken in advance (except in case of unforeseen circumstances.)

Sick leave for more than three days must be supported with a proper medical certificate from the attending doctor. 
Half-day leave is not granted in any case. Late arrivals and early departures under a written request, endorsed by parents, will be allowed only in exceptional cases.

Unsanctioned leave will be fined @ Rs. 10/- per day of absence and absence from the school for three days in a month will be a sufficient reason to strike off the student’s name from the roll.

Students suffering from any infectious disease must complete the quarantine period before rejoining the school and his/her medical fitness must be supported by the attending and registered doctor’s certificate.


Re-admission will be allowed only in exceptional and genuine circumstances solely at the discretion of the Principal but the students expelled on account of gross misconduct and moral turpitude will not be entertained at all.

Recommendations will serve no purpose and guardians may well avoid them. In case readmission is granted, an additional charge computed @ 25% of the annual charges in addition to arrears, if any, will have to be paid. 
Continuation of studies here in the school is renewed every year depending upon academic performance & General conduct.


School telephone - Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without permission. They will not be called to answer phone calls during study hours unless under exceptional circumstances.

Cycle and other two wheelers  - (under proper license) will only be kept in locked condition at the designated stands against payment of a nominal parking fees. Vehicles parked beyond the allowed territory will be fined. Students are not allowed to bring cars to the school 


The school believes in fostering close, co-operative and involved relationship with parents and guardians and therefore, provides a multi-tier system for interaction with them through PT Meet.

Meeting with the Principal : Parents are encouraged to meet the Principal according to the schedule given in the diary or by prior appointment when they have a point to discuss. It is expected that the parents and guardians will honour the Principal’s advice most promptly and punctually .


Parents and guardians are earnestly recommended to:-

co-operate in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lessons, do their home-work and attend the school punctually and regularly;

check the diary personally every day, note the remarks and observations made by the teachers, Principal or any other staff of the school and sign them;

promptly meet the concerned teacher or Principal if so requested promptly and clarify an observation made in the diary; 
maintain a decorum and cordiality with the school while meeting the Principal on a point in appreciation or criticism either of the school or  teachers.

acknowledge promptly all circulars, invitations and other directions sent to them and comply with the instructions and requests contained in them;

ensure that the students do not carry in possession with them any valuable articles such as mobiles etc. or any objectionable material to the school.

report in writing any change of address, telephone numbers and any other locational or relevant details about the student;

write the student’s admission number, name and class in all correspondence with the school;  and regard themselves as a contribution maker in the young person’s total education by making valuable suggestions in the spirit of unity of objective.

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